Saturday, March 28, 2009


The last post was a bit morbid so I wanted to update.

I sleep with 2 angels next to my bed. One rose quartz the other Amythest. They are there to remind me that I am always being backed up.There is always something bigger than me running the show.
In the morning when I remember, I open up a dialogue in my head with the guys upstairs.I ask for certain things and I hope they listen.
Its not always about asking and recieving though.There are times when I just listen.

I was reminded after a conversation with a good friend of mine a few days ago that in times of stress ( of which I have to admit are pretty constant for me due to the fact that I have a lot going on in my life , say like 12 assignments, a job, a full time degree and a health condition that always puts me in a state of back footedness)there is absolutely NOTHING to be done.Its at times like these that NON ACTION should be chosen over action and surrender adopted over control.

The universe has a plan. Its so much more loving and intelligent than I.If i just take my hands off the steering wheel and stop controlling I might allow it to see where its taking me.I just have to stop steering fro a while.

As my friend said, and I agree, how can we hear the beautiful orchestra of the angels when we are constantly talking over it.

So I am in a state of surrender.Being an observer rather than a doer and taking a break from MAKING everything okay.

I am really happy to be reminded of this lesson and it releases me from alot of what goes whirling around in my head.

1 comment:

j-ster said...

I hope u got something sorted out with the person who wouldnt speak to u...