Tuesday, September 25, 2007

He rose again!!!

And after the 3rd day he rose again!
Only after a few days of disposing of the old and rather dearly departed bunny rabbit,(actually its still sitting in my draw while I decide exactly HOW TO dispose of it in a house where I live with my aunt,uncle and 2 kids........suggestions kindly welcome)I came home today to find a parcel on my bed!I love suprises! Especially parcel suprises but not in my wildest dreams did I anticipate that a VERY VERY KIND benefactor would take pity on my loss and understand the financial strife of a student and send me a BRAND NEW shiny rabbit!!!!!!!!It buzzes and lights and twirls and even has a cute bunny rabbit face!LUCKY LUCKY ME!!!!Give it and me some more time and it might even have other tricks up its sleeve!..........and so my dearest readers,I thank you for your sympathy at what was a very sad time,but as fickle as I am, old has been replaced with new and I am no longer grieving but grooving!

Friday, September 21, 2007

The 5 stages of grief.

Denial: The initial stage: "It can't be happening." As she pressed the "on" button of her Rabbit and the red light didnt flicker a flicker or make a peep of a noise.

Anger: "Why ME? It's not fair?!" (either referring to God, oneself, or anybody perceived, rightly or wrongly, as "responsible") In this case the duracell batteries that leaked all over the inside of the battery compartment that have now casued my beloved to die

Bargaining: "Just let me live to see it buzz and twirl one more time." Surely if I clean it out replace the batteries it will work again...........Please I will do anything if you just make the light light and the buzz,buzz.

Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?I have no money to buy a new one,it was the only thing that kept me sane" Being a student sucks.Do I now have to down grade to a pocket version.?

Acceptance: "It's going to be OK." Ill put some money away each week until I can afford to buy a new one .I will use my hairbrush or any penis shaped object! Its okay,Im creative.Fuck it!