Friday, April 06, 2007

Yin and Yang

The possibility for a person to exist on "generalized" opposites is something I have been giving alot of thought to.
Let me elaborate.I often hear people say they wouldnt say boo to a goose and yet it is these very same people that will go right ahead and do a bungy jump with carefree abandonement and no hesitation.I have seen people who are painfully shy explode into a torrent of hialrious stories and gesticulations.What I am trying to get at here and not particularly well is that we are not black and white always .There are shades of grey.There is no particular mould that we have to fit into....unless of course we desperatly want to "fit in".We are not predictable ,or able to be compartmentalized into this or that .Shy and sensitive,outgoing and strong. Weak and shy,quiet and introverted.Loud and extrovert.
I am trying to move away from these genearlizations at the moment and look at the elemnts of each individual that make them what they are and try not to make a judgement on that person or sum them up in a few words. We are colourful individuals,with a rainbow of attributes and cascade of expressing them. I also believe that it is impossible to make a judgement on an individual that is finite.We are constantly brightening or dulling our rainbows and our ways of expressing them.

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