Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two Turtle Doves

I think I must be getting a bit kooky in my old age.I am obsessed with the turtle dove in my garden.
A few months ago aforementioned turtle dove had turtledove wife.Turtle dove wife was murdered by my big red puss by having its head ripped off in a most unceremonious fashion.
I have an affinity for Turtle Doves,they are monogamous and mate for life,both male and female take care of the nest and look after the young.They hang out together and keep each other warm.Its the perfect love story in my eyes,well it was til Mrs turtle dove got head ripped to pieces.
I have been feeling awful about it.Saddened that MR Turtle Dove was sad and lonely and had no-one to cuddle.
Every morning he is there sitting on his perch all on his own.

BUT about a week ago he started to get very verbal and chuffed out his chest alot,so I got excited.Me thinks there is another chick in my glee throughout this week I have watched a glorious love affair unfold between aforementioned MR turtle dove and now soon to be(I dont think hes popped the question,but am pretty sure its coming soon,cos I saw them kissing in the tree)MRS turtle dove who is small and oh so very cute!
I am so happy!
I am so relieved!
I am so wierd!


j-ster said...

Woohoo, new love! Thats great! I DO understand that weird attachment to birds... Mum and Laurie used to have a poor, lonely quail who used to break my heart with his lonely calling for company. Im glad your dove has found a mate - I hope Benji will leave them alone this time!

MissSin said...

That's so cute! And totally understand where you're coming from.
My mum used to feed the pigeons off our balcony at home. She even named them Jack & Vera... They came for years & they even introduced their kids to the balcony.
Not quite as nice Turtle Doves though...