Monday, May 23, 2005


I have just started my detox for the next 3 days!
Its something I got fromt he U.K called BIO LIGHT.I did it about 9 years ago and it was pretty effective. I guess I am looking for more energy and perhaps a little weight loss.I caught site of my rear in the window yesterday and wondered how it had got so big,and now it keeps following me around.I am hoping the BIO LIGHT will scare it away!


Anonymous said...

you'll have to let me know how it goes - that was one of the most intriguing purchases for me...
nearly bought one myself, but wanted to hear about it first....never tried a detox of any kind at all...
wonder if my body could take the shock!!


arumanda said...

i don't understand. i have so very little knowledge of being a girly girl. i'd like to thank my butch mother for that. i once saw her wear lipstick for my highschool graduation, and frankly, i was scared.
detox, big rear ends, lipsticks and the like - why do you girls worry? you're already beautiful.