Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Back to School

Next monday sees me returning back to School,which for the most part I am desperate to return to.I have a lot of adjusting to do as last semester saw me overworked,overstressed and over achieving..........so I have to try and contain the study to certain times and give myself a care free day off,otherwise I can see that I will have no hair left.(I had a stressful week last week and it started to come out again,but only a little)Anyways ,moving on from my ailments of which sometimes are too many ,and oh so dull.............

So next semester is the start of getting a little more intensive on the Chinese Subject side rather than the Western Medicine side,so I am hoping that it will be alot more motivating for me.That is not to say that I havent found the Western Med subjects fascinating,more the chemistry side of things! Hoorah no more!
I have just purchased the biggest book on Clinincal medicine and opened it up! Its pretty impressive.Pathology is impressive ,but its also scary! Hmmmmmm...perhaps I should look at all these big unknown words as exciting! The only problem is that the only chance I will ever get to use them is when talking to a doctor or others interested in clinical meds.........its not like you can just drop it into a conversation or display your talent on a wall! ..........hmpf.
BUT BUT BUT..........i will start needling next semester and performing moxabustion and dermal hammering and cupping and bleeding and,and ,and!
So I will keep you posted on all of that!
I am just posting a link Acupuncture. Whats good for you! for you guys to watch.......the link is at the top and not easy to see but the video is quite interesting although basic,but ,anything to promote the cause.
I am also doing critical research skills next semester so perhaps I wll start boring you all with that too.

1 comment:

MissSin said...

good luck!

oooh...you're in your 2nd year now!
bloody hell - that year went by really fast!

hope things are more grounded & less stressful for you this time around.

am cheering you from afar.