Friday, March 18, 2005

Whats the first thing you do when you get married???

Other than all the drama last night I did, before hand ,have several good chats with several good people......One conversation was with a couple who had just got married. After the perfunctory congratulations I asked them when we might hear the patter of tiny feet.They replied or rather he did.Oh.........there are so many things that we want to do together before we have children that it may be a while!
I was touched but it got me thinking.What do you do when you get married? Do you get married to have kids? Is that the main motivation behing the big M? Whats the purpose of marriage? I never really gave it much thought.Its seems like something I would do.I would love to be someones wife it sounds so nice. But why do we do it? Is it a necesarry step to take in this day and age? Does it give us anymore security? and whats the first thing you do together as a married couple? I would love to hear other peoples stories on what they did when they first got married.............


dipchick said...

ask me tonight ;) (don't expect romance...)

Anonymous said...

Where have your photos gone??

Anonymous said...

where've you gone sweetie?
miss your writings on life & dodgy keyboards!