Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Another one down and 6 more to go!

Shit........I am tired already!
I have 6 more finals to go and then I can rest for a bit!
I had my Point Location exam yesterday which I got 100% in and a written exam to go with it which I am prety sure I did ok in.
I saw the value yesterday in being present in all my lessons and talking with my lecturer ,being interested and keen and a tad anxious.
Practical location exams are a bit like a driving test and I fall to pieces!
We get a list of points to locate on a partner and then one of the 3 lecturers comes around to tick them off or cross them off depending on wether you have found the point......I dont do well in these kinds of situations,my mind goes blank and all the hard work and effort that I put in just flies out of my mind.I look at the first point and think......crap where the hell is that....???????!!!! Take a deep breath and push on!
Last night there were 3 points that I got wrong.One was a simple mistake.I confused it with another and my lecturer said that I should think about that point and e would come back.Immediately I knew what I had done wrong and corrected my mistake.
The second was more interpretation over the anatomical location and it was a tricky point to find......I located where I thought it was and the lecturer came over and asked me to justify it ,which I did and then he told me that he thought the Greater trochanter was a little lower than that,to which I replied that he should go away and come back and I would re locate it! Which he did and I got the mark!
The 3rd was just a total blank.........lecturer standing over my shoulder.......he knew I knew the point I knew I knew the point and we were both standing there waiting for it to come...........2 minutes is a long time when you are under pressure.....located it once .........nope...think about it............located it twice.....comon sarah do know this point.....3rd time got it!
So I got lucky.There were students there who were not as present as me or outwardly keen or anxious who did the same thing and didnt get the slack I I am grateful and thankful for the faith that my lecturers have in me.
Lesson........get to know them,talk to them about yourself,ask them about themselves,show your fear and anxiety.........let them know how you fair in situations like practical exams.........and relax.........
So I should be really happy about the grade and I am ,but I do feel like I had my hand held ,which I guess is okay.

1 comment:

MissSin said...

well done, girly.
there's nothing wrong with having your hand held. and i don't think you did anyway.
you had the knowledge with you, and your teachers knew that.
you're doing great, and we're all behind you.

big hugs out to you, xox