Thursday, June 08, 2006

Passing on the tag.........

J-ster is interested to know what my answers are to the following so in a brief sojourn to the rote learning here I go!

5 Musicians that I currently listen to

Beethoven.....due to the ability not to invade my study wave.

Crosby Stills and Nash

Buddha beats (a collection of ambient music)

Windsongs by Micahel Hoppe (a truly relaxing trip of flute and the like)

TCM point Location Meditations......listen to this b4 I head to bed.Its supposed to enter your sub concious while sleeping!!!


5 Movies/DVDs That I Have Watched Recently

The corpse Bride........cute but thats abut all.

My fair lady.Audrey is my idol and always cheers me up.

Narnia.........cute but again thats about all.

Oceans 12....dull.

Fawlty Towers........pure bliss.

5 TV Shows That I Tend to Watch

Hmmmmmmm...........not too many at the moment but I LURVE LURVE LURRRRRRRRRRRRVE a show called "House" with Hugh Laurie as a talented ,intelligent,down right indespicable Doctor with an addiction .

Oh and lets not forget the odd episode of Desperate Housewives and commander in chief.

5 Restaurants I have Visited Recently

The one I work in! An italian upperclass affair with a quirky italian head waiter who makes me lick my lips so that he can have a thrill! And a boss who is a pain in the butt and terribly miserable but calls me Bella most of the time.

OHH and a restaurant that I was taken to my a very nice guy about 2 weeks ago called ladros.The best Pizza Restaurant in Melbourne apparently! Very upbeat and delish pizza!

Thats all folks! Unless my frequently visited coffee shop with the fabulous Jimmy as owner counts!???

5 Foods That I Currently Enjoy Snacking On

Nuts for the protein.Brazil nuts and almonds are the biz!

Butter popcorn!

Toblerone because I can and those god damn starburst babies drive me mad...I love ripping off thier heads!

Does port count as a snack????

Not too much of a snacker but trying very hard to replace chocolate for the more healthy kind of snackeroo!
Been eating lots of carrot and lentil soup recently!

Im tagging Suzie wooh, Mama,and just to make it a little more interesting.......Chris the karaoke king and 2 people who read my blog but never comment! GO ON! PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!


Anonymous said...

What? You still have port left??? Im impressed! I just bought some on the last winery tour, havent opened it yet tho... Cute Ken quite liked it too, first time he had tried it!

Anonymous said...

With an invite like that, how could i resist??!
MUSICIANS: Current climate of v sick ipod (complete with sad face) means mainly Capital Radio - in my car, as I grout/paint/do up the ridiculous house we are desperate to sell.... Can't actually remember the last album I bought. HOW sad is that???
MOVIES/DVD: ?? You mean there IS a life outside of work and house renovation?? I am SOOO looking forward to the day...
TV SHOWS: See above. (Can I just say I haven't watched tv for 6 weeks. And I haven't (had a chance) to miss it? And NOW we receive a red notice from tv licence people?? Maybe its not necessary??? But then again...)
RESTAURANTS: Ahh, now that is something I AM well-learned in - having not had a kitchen for 6 weeks, and spending the 'working life' down-route - GREAT fish cafe in Barbados (yes- i'm bragging!), and a surprisingly good Thai with a 'RestERant' (and thats how its spelt!!) found whilst dying from boredom on standby in Gatwick
SNACK FOODS: Anything not requiring kitchen (see above) mainly (for my shame) PORK PIES. Lots of. (but only the mini ones, cos they're not so bad for you, even if you eat 4 in one go. As I just did.)
There you have it.
I skulk away with tail between legs.