Friday, March 30, 2007


Ritual.......what does this word mean to a lot of people???
Some I guess might think it has religious connotations ,others might think it is something devilish,sexual,devious,some perhaps think light and power enhancing.
Today I decided that after the last few days that I need a personal clearing and my space needed a bit of a cleanse too.
Some months ago I purchased a sage and lavender stick for this very purpose.Native American Indians used them often to invoke spirit for healing and cleansing.
I wouldnt say that I am a kooky kinda gal but I do have my moments,and when I thought about doing this ritual it led me to take a look at what it was about.
For me it wasnt so much about the ritual or the smudge stick.It was the intention and taking a moment to focus on that .I very often dont take time out in my life to perform rituals, and it occured to me that it is really important to make time for them in my life everyday so that I can set the direction that I want my life to take and the energy I want to put out there into the world.
I have recently started to meditate every day at least for 10-20 minutes,but often this ritual gets cast aside under a desk full of study notes and I know that I am cheating myself of a valuable tool.
Intention of thought for me is very powerful.It can harm and it can heal.
In acupuncture we talk sometimes about a point that is more about intention than necesarily its indication or function but can be equally powerful.
So I have decided that I am going to develop more ritual in my life........
anyone out there have any rituals that the perform that they find valuable then let me know! I would love to hear.
And now I feel cleansed and my room clear I am off to do some study!!!!!!!

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