Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Shaken not stirred...........

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.
Yet again I find myself in conflict.I am obviously needing to learn a lesson here,either that or I have a big red beacon that is invisible to me but apparent to every conflict seeking bitch on the planet which squeals out ......vent on me,vomit your venomous tongue upon me,lay your shit on me..........WHAT THE FARK!
I am trying very hard to not take this latest event to heart.It was a very rude encounter and one that reeked of hatred rather than resolution. This part is the part that frutrates me the most.I beleive that if there is conflict ultimately there should be resolution,so upon opening myself up to allowing this as a possibility I found I sit here pondering how to go forward with this situation........Firstly I beleive that I need to look inwards and see if there is anything I can do to adjust the situation within myself.Look at some of my personality traits and see if they have contributed to this situation.Are they ones I can change?? Are they ones I WANT to change.I have sat with this a bit today and have come up with a few ideas.
Firstly If anyone tries to get in my face like that again,I will tell them firmly and respectfully to get out of my space and take thier shit to someone who wants to listen.Secondly I would suggest that if they would like to TALK about whats bothering them rather than rant,then I am here to listen.Thirdly not everyone i going to like me.This is a hard one for me,but one I have to come to terms with.Fourthly I am not always going to say ,do or behave in the right way.I am a strong,vital woman with certain beliefs.They are always up for discussion,and always open to being challenged.But not everyone is the same as me or thinks the same way as me,so I must be sensitive to this.Perhaps listen more to what they person is saying to me.........
So I have stepped out of this situation shaken,a little ruffled somewhat nervous about seeing this person again,but clear about it all.
The End.


Anonymous said...

The End of the episode perhaps, but not the end of the series! But im glad you have got it more settled inside yourself.

MissSin said...

sounds like you had a pretty hardcore experience. those situations where you're forced to confront another person, always force you to confront yourself as well.
it's hard & scary and i tend to shy away from situations like that.
but at the end of the day, they help us grow. and the truth is that there ARE some people in this world who we are never going to get along with or particularly like.

for what it's worth, i think you've been strong & brave.
