Sunday, February 26, 2006

Body Slam

I cant believe it.I had wonderful visions of a nice relaxing weekend doing nothing and just feeling chilled and prepared for my first day at College tommorow.
They say you have to be careful of what you ask for or you just might get it! They say you have to be specific.I guess I wasnt specific enough in my askings.
It started Friday night at 10.30.I felt dizzy.Then I felt hot .Then I felt cold.Then I started to sweat a cold sweat.Then my body started to turn a little red.Then I vomited VIOLENTLY in the restaurant toilet 3 times.Then I had to make my excuses(after thoroughly cleaning the only toilet they have) and dash home where I continued to vomit until 5.30 in the morning.I am now plagued with a very upset tummy and the energy level of a sloth.Yes,I had a weekend where I could do nothing except lie on the sofa curled into a ball with nausea sweeping through me and the very frequent rushings to the bathroom.Hell.I dont feel happy.Perhaps it was something I ate .Perhaps it is some sub concious stress about everything.Perhaps I am finally letting go af the past and the grief.I dont know.I just hope that I feel a little more refreshed for tomorow.


MissSin said...

frigging bizarre...can stomach bugs be spread by computer?
guess where i spent most of my friday afternoon & evening?
yup - hugging the toilet bowl!

also have no idea what it was - still not feeling 100%, but am alive!

hope you recover by tomorrow, darlin'

and am SO understanding how you're feeling....

Anonymous said...

I hope you both feel better soon! Hugs ... and ... er sorry, no hugs or kisses until you are better and there is no chance of me catching it!