Thursday, February 02, 2006

The Summer!

That was all in a week!It doesnt even include the week we spent in Adelaide with Jo! Phew! We had fun!&> 
Well Helen conquered Melbourne and Adelaide! as did I! We had a fabulous time! We discovered many places where they serve free sparkling wine for a couple of hours.we discovered that Melbourne has a Museum that is not one you can whizz half heartedly around in an hour and 3/4.We played Lesbian lovers (sort of) at the Gay and Lesbian Festival.We sought out Tattoo parlours for the green star that Helen has elegantly placed in the small of her back.We sipped spritzers on the southbank and watched the world go by in the sunshine.We shopped til we dropped.We found that when you really need a hat you cant find one ANYWHERE.We played in Luna park.We dipped our toes in the warm water of St.Kilda beach.We took a ride along the river in the evening sun.We agreed that 43 degrees is a tad too hot to do anything outside! We jaunted through the St.Kilda Markets.Had dinner with live sax playing down the street.Champagne birthday breakfasts with muffins and candles and last but by no means least went to the Melbourne Open to watch a few games of Tennis in the Rod Laver Arena.
That was all in a week!It doesnt even include the week we spent in Adelaide with Jo! Phew! We had fun! Posted by Picasa


MissSin said...

...and we played cribbage!

yeah - it WAS fun.
i want to do it all again (and again)

Anonymous said...

... and again!

I miss the beach! Its come in cool and ive been holed up here in the city for a week now, at least my tan isnt fading!

Miss you gals! Come play again!