Sunday, February 12, 2006

Just to affirm

I have often thought over the short life of this bundle of love that he is more like my perfect man than a fluffy little companion.
He sleeps with me at night purring away with content.He sits with me when I sick.He makes me laugh when I am down.He is loyal and has never been unfaithful to me (although he did come home smelling of perfume the other night.......)He kisses me in the morning and the evening and all through the day.There is no doubt that he loves me. He constantly checks in in the space of the day.Hes well travelled and fit. He is gentle and protective when needed.He is playful and sexy in a sleek agile way!He looks into my eyes often.
Why wouldnt you want a man like that???
My suspicions about him being the feline version of my perfect man tha other day were confirmed when he took the kids to playgroup!
He walked the 10 minute journey with the children.Hung out with all the other children on a table,entertained them and then came back again!

1 comment:

MissSin said...

yeah - he's one cool cat.

even though i terrorise him & annoy him, he still sits and purrs with me too.

bless him...a true sanity saver...and way more fluffy than any boy.