Wednesday, October 19, 2005


The last day in Yotsuya.The home I have had for the longest period in 10 years. The circumstances of leaving sad . The future looking bright.The following of a lifelong dream.
I lay in bed that night feeling upset and sad that 2 people cant work it out in a kind and compassionate way.Sad that people are capable of such acts of dis-respect and able to inflict pain in such large amounts that it is hard to imagine that there was any love there at all.
My home was important to me. It has been, and in the future, will be the place where I can escape and take off the mask of the day. Its where I can warm myself and pull together the happenings of the day.
My home in Tokyo was built on love and a desire to make a warm place to be. There were many happy memories there.Amazing parties.Yummy dinners.Love shared under the sheets. The walls have seen much. The stories they could tell are most likely more eloquent than my own.They will no longer see Sarah anymore.She has gone.All remnants removed and safely on thier way to Australia .
Is it silly to be so attatched to a home? It was so much more than a home.It had a character and a heartbeat.
Well my dear home.Goodbye.

1 comment:

MissSin said...

beautifully said, darlin'.
it's weird how four walls can develop a whole character & life of themselves. so many memories enveloped up inside them as you said.
but there are more walls/rooms/homes out there begging to have memories spread all over them.
go for it and make those new walls worthy of you.